Welcome to Mid North Coast Flyers


The Mid North Coast Flyers are the custodians of local flying sites on the Mid North Coast. We have developed strong relationships with Local Council, National Parks and local land holders. It is important that these relationships are maintained.

To fly here (or anywhere in Australia) you must be licenced with the SAFA and be financially current with your SAFA membership. Log in to SAFA members page here https://www.safa.asn.au/ to check your current membership status

Visiting Pilots Must Read all below information!- If you are not a member of the MNCF then you are a visiting pilot! Become a Member! We have 2 Facebook Pages 1 for general pilot information. Or the Members only page and Whats App group were you will find local pilots discussing there next flying outing! Become a member and you will get in on the local flying goss too!

If you are a financially current SAFA member and a visiting pilot to the area, you are welcome to fly with us. The Club has developed a considerate relationship with local councils, residents and land-owners. Some sites may have different regulations to others there for if you are visiting the area you MUST take the following steps before flying any site that the MNCF are custodians for!

YOU MUST! Fill in the Visiting pilots register (only 3 questions)


Read the site guide for the sites you are planning on flying and MUST read the council consent conditions. The Bartletts reserve sight is sensitive and visiting pilots cannot fly here with out a local pilot.

Contact a safety officer for a site briefing.

All MNCF sites around Port Macquarie to Taree are in CTAF (118.1)

International Visiting Pilots

If you are an international pilot you require SAFA membership to fly in Australia. Please visit the SAFA website here for temporary membership. It can all be done online, so please do this before you fly.

Contact the club on 1300359498